Friday, December 19, 2014

Non-Stick Baking Options

I just wanted to share how I've been making cookies, cakes and muffins lately and getting them out of the pan with no damage.

I have a few cake pans that will work for reheating leftovers but have lost their non-stick capabilities. I can't afford to make a cake only to have half of it stay in the pan...especially if it's for a special event! So recently I decided to try lining the pan with parchment paper. This particular kind contains silicone, so it works well, but is heat resistant only up to a certain temperature.

Trimmed a bit for the round pan...

What a relief to have the cake pop right out in one piece!*

*(that little crack is from flipping it to another plate...oops)
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I use the paper for cookie sheets, too. Again, with something like meat or veggies I might not care if it sticks a little. But for baked goods, I find myself using the paper more and more. And obviously it makes clean-up easier, too. I allow myself this little luxury. ;)

On to muffins and cupcakes...

I've been accumulating silicone muffin cups, and they work great! I recently discovered that I can just arrange them on a cookie sheet and they will stand up by themselves. Much easier than trying to balance them in muffin tins and then arranging the muffin tins in the narrow oven.

Cranberry Orange Muffins-see Olga's Flavor Factory for recipe

The only problem is that I got used to the sturdier muffin cups...then I tried to make some cupcakes with regular paper liners and forgot that they need support! Almost lost the whole batch, and it was supposed to be for a bridal shower!

What NOT to do! (delicious, though-recipe courtesy Hershey's)

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